Friday Friday, gettin' down on Friday. Fun fun fun fun (sorry, if you don’t get it you must not be up on the pop culture, google Rebecca Black.)
Anyhow, here I am in bed. Not really. I got home from the gym this morning and Jack was in bed with Kev. Apparently, Jack decided to rise early and my darling husband thought the solution was to bring him into our bed. I just hopped in to snuggle with Jack a bit before getting him up and fed and whatnot.
We had a fun and busy day today. This morning we all got together at Kelsey’s house for some lunch and playtime with all of the kiddo’s before Anna & the fam head back to Chicagoland. We sure do miss our event planner.

Here is Dr. Beanitude giving Jack and exam. I had to stop her from beating his knee caps off with the little hammer.

The kids had lunch picnic style while Jack enjoyed Brynley’s high chair.

Later, we went to Drummers to do a make and take pot of flowers. Jack did not enjoy it.