Thursday, June 30, 2011

1 year appointment


I like to call the above pose “ramming position.”  He puts his head down and starts crawling full force (many times bumping into things.)


Jack had to get some shots today.  He did well with those (not quite like last time, he did actually cry this time.)  He did not, however, enjoy having his finger poked for the lead/hemoglobin test.  He has been babying his finger with the band aid on it all afternoon.


Here he is demonstrating his throwing and pointing abilities.  He’s quite proud of himself as you can see.  As for his statistics he was 24lbs and 30 inches long.  His head was quite big (like we knew) and came in around the 88%ile.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Water play day


Jack was supposed to be napping while we had friends over for a water fun day.  He did not agree with me.


The kids didn’t quite get the idea of the slip and slide.  But to their credit, no one was willing to show them how to do it (and there wasn’t enough running space to really get going, as the person who set it up *who shall remain nameless* didn’t take running into consideration and placed the start of it a little to close to the play set.)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

As free as my hair


Lauren and Jack both enjoyed a little time on the “jump-o-lene” today.  We went over to a friend’s place for her birthday play date today and this was one of her gifts.  Jack didn’t do too much bouncing (not like he does in his crib at least) but did enjoy it more once Lauren got out.  Lauren’s hair is crazy in that middle picture, isn’t it?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friendship days


Today we went to Nicollet Friendship days.  Kevin was asked to walk in the parade and had planned to have Lauren walk with him.  Jack and I joined them at the last minute and made an afternoon of it.  This was Lauren and Jack’s first time ever being IN a parade. Lauren rode on the float and we all walked.  She had a good time waving to everyone and was pleased to get a little bit of candy that we collected as we walked.


Of course, it wouldn’t be a festival without a ride on the Ferris wheel.  Lauren seemed confused that this wasn’t “really” a Ferris wheel since it was gondola style.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Mowin’ the lawn


Our Godson Mark, has a little toy lawnmower that he uses to “mow” the lawn and even follows Phil around the entire time he’s mowing.  Lauren lasted about 10 minutes of following Kevin before she got bored and went to play on her swing set.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Jackson!!!


A little banana pancake action to start the day with a bang!




Dinner @ Dino’s.  Jack and Lauren both had a blast with their “play” dough.  Jack ate quite a bit of his…oops!


A little birthday cake to end the day with.  He loved it so much I had to give him more.  Happy Birthday, sweet boy.  You are my favorite son and a joy in our lives!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

52 weeks!

1 weekIMG_8006

It’s hard to believe, little Jackson McQuinn will be one year old tomorrow!



Here’s one of Lauren and I in our swimsuits before lessons tonight (hahah mine is covered up!)


Lauren has also *finally* mastered her bicycle.  She had a really difficult time making it go last year.  The extra year of growth really helped and now she’s a pro.  She liked to go fast and make “mommy gog (jog) to keep up” with her.

It was…

a little too quiet for a moment this morning.  I walked into the bathroom to find this:


Niiiiiice!  At least there wasn’t any water in the tub.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Swimming lessons


Lauren had a good time tonight at swimming lessons.  I was less than excited by the fact that I had to get into the water with her, but it seemed like a better deal to do community education lessons vs the YMCA so I guess going in with her was the price I had to pay.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Racin’ for groceries


I absolutely love the expression on Jack’s face in the 2nd picture.  He looks like he’s ready for a fast trip!!  Happy Father’s Day!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Home Depot-father’s day edition


Today, Lauren and I ventured out to a special home depot project day in honor of Father’s Day tomorrow.  Lauren made Kevin a little toolbox.  You can tell she’s concentrating quite hard when the tongue is out.