Saturday, August 30, 2014

Back to school cookies


Tonight, I finished decorating the cookies that we made for the kids’ teachers/bus drivers, etc.  They sure turned out pretty (and pretty delicious as well, if I do say so myself!)

Lost tooth!

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You can see that the tooth was barely hanging on by a thread this morning.  Then, out it came with some gentle pulling.  It was driving Lauren insane that it hadn’t fallen out yet.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Xrays (again)

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Today, Lauren saw the ENT about (what we believed to be) giant swollen adenoids.  We were right, they are in fact swollen and giant.  They will most likely be coming out in early November (I think there is a Monday that we have off from school.)  It’s a very quick procedure and then back to normal right away, no recovery time needed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

matchy match

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Today we saw the baby goat at Sibley park.  Oh my goodness they were so adorable!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Jack & Lauren

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Somewhere, and I’m not sure where, Jack and Lauren got the bright idea that they should sleep together one night.  (Like they don’t do that every time we go to a hotel?)  Anyhow, I told them they could sometime this summer and with the school year upon us, finally had to make good on that ill thought out promise.  Here they are at the beginning of the night.

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Here they are a couple of hours later (in the typical Jack sleeping position of, THE ENTIRE BED WIDTH WISE!)  What is is about children that make them so tiny, yet the biggest bed hogs ever?  I remember last year on vacation, it was the night before our cruise embarked from Galveston and I got sooo very little sleep.  I was physically assaulted more times than I can count by Lauren flailing around.  Actual tiny beanitude fists punching me, multiple times.  I finally gave up (and woke up the hubs to tell him it was his damn turn to be abused, and we were trading beds.)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014



This year, instead of doing a big birthday party, Lauren decided to invite a friend along to Valleyfair for a day/night of fun.  Her and her good friend Harper had a blast together.  They were so much fun to be with.  Plus, they had a sleepover when we got home at around 11:15 and it was too cute!!

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Kevin ate his way through the park.  The girls each tried to win an iPad with no luck.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tooth Tooth!!


Finally, Lauren is going to lose her first tooth soon.  The big tooth has popped up behind it!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Breakfast at Beanitude’s

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There was something about the bun look Lauren was sporting today that made me want to go grab my dress-up glasses and take a pic of her.  It was very Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sleepy kids

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I’m not really sure why I took a pic of the kids sleeping on this night, but I did.  Boy, they sure are peaceful when they’re asleep!

Breakfast on the farm


Today, we got to experience breakfast on the farm and it was a ton of fun.  We love the pancake man (who makes like 100 at a time with the sweet machine and then throws them at you to catch.)  Plus, the farm was just so much fun and very fun for the kids as well.  I’ve always been intrigued by farming and Kev is downright obsessed with corn and wants to tag along with a farmer for pretty much an entire year to watch the process.

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There were also lots of animals to see and a bunch of equipment to check out.

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This swing was also so neat (and gorgeous and timeless!!) I love the wooden plank on the mile long rope.  When she got going she was swinging over the driveway.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Nicollet county fair

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Today we checked out the Nicollet county fair for the first time.  I hate to say it, but I wasn’t impressed.  Honestly the cottonwood county fair had about the same to offer.  But, it was a special day at the fair as the Children’s museum was there with fun kids activities, so that did add to the fun.

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At the end of the day, the kids had a good time and that’s really what matters. :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sleepy Jack

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I wasn’t even thirsty, but when I saw the Jack bottle, I had to buy it.  Genius I tell you, genius marketing!

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Tonight, on my bike ride Jack took a little siesta.  So, naturally, I took his picture.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Jack time

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We brought Jack to the MOA today just like we did Lauren while Jack was gone.

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He’s a ride rider—just like his big sister!