Sunday, February 22, 2015

Goodbye Cash kitty

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We will miss you!  You’ve been a good kitty!  We will be saying goodbye to him tomorrow evening so we wanted to get some good snuggles and pictures in today before he goes.

Monday, February 16, 2015

A trip to target

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Because who doesn’t need to document their random trip to target and take a photo with the #targetdog?  PS The awesome sauce sriracha shirt is from the big boys section!! Love it!! I couldn’t resist buying it because it reminds me of both my mother and my BFF who loves that hot crazy sauce.  Jack seems to be enjoying his new shirt as well.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A trip to the MOA


Today, was the 100th day of school for Lauren.

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Jack and I made a trip to the MOA to play and ride rides with our friends.  His friend Gavin invited him along for the day. 


We had a blast riding rides with Gavin and Melissa and also did a little shopping too.

Jack’s Valentines



I found this template online and then we chose fun mustache’s together.  I did the cutting or else they would have looked like blobs.  I just love making fun Valentine’s Day cards.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

All in a day…

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Today was both pet adoption day and a birthday party for Lauren.  Lauren had fun at a local bakery/bake shop doing a cake decorating themed party. Cash and I  went to the pet store to try to get him adopted.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Ski Time

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Lauren is ready to rock and roll on her skis again this year.


Today, we tried out a couple of 1st communion hairstyle ideas.  This one was a flop.

Friday, February 6, 2015

The sneaker hop

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Tonight I took the kids’ to Lauren’s sneaker hop at school.  They had a fun time. IMG_6799

Lauren also got a tooth pulled out today.  This guy wouldn’t budge so it had to be removed forcibly at the dentists office.