This is how Jack greeted me this morning. He was just so excited to grab his feet, he took off his jammies on the process.
Friday, December 31, 2010
My new project
I saw a woman selling something like this in a kiosk over Christmas (and charging a ridiculously exorbitant price for them too, of course.) So, I figured I could make one in colors and fonts I like for much less (and I did.) What do you think?
Here is is in my kitchen.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I’m drooly!
Jackson is such a drool monster. I thought Lauren was the drooliest baby ever, until now. I just had to share this adorable picture of Jack sitting at the table like such a big boy.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The Bean feeds The Sprout
Lauren had been asking to help feed Jack his baby food for a couple of days now, so I let her go to it. She did a pretty decent job and I got a few cute pictures out of it. She was really excited to do it and Jack is always excited to eat.
I finally tried out my zoom lens tonight and can’t believe how heavy and hard to handle it is. I don’t see myself using it very often, but I guess it’s good to have if I ever decide to take some nature macro shots with my tripod. I don’t think I would be able to hold it steady enough without it. I had to brace myself on my center island to get this shot of the crystal in my hutch.
Snow much fun
Today, we played in the snow after Kevin came home from work. My first couple of pictures turned out horribly, then I figured out I should just switch it onto night picture mode and let the camera do the thinking for me. It worked out much easier!
YES, Jackson is still wearing a pink snowsuit. No, I don’t plan to buy him a non-pink one. That pink one is one of the few hand me downs we were lucky enough to receive (from Kev’s sister Heather) so it’s been through a few girls and now a boy. Maybe we’ll get to hand it down to Kevin’s little sister someday.
Kevin and Lauren made a mini igloo with the snow-brick maker.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
27 weeks
I think Jackson looks like such a cutie in this outfit. It may be that he rarely wears jeans though. This was his first time wearing these jeans and I don’t think there will be a repeat wearing, unfortunately. I think they made him throw up! Pretty much every time I sat him down into a sitting position today he spit up. I think they were too tight on his little buddha belly. I went through two pairs of pants and decided that was enough (because of course he didn’t spit up on himself, but me instead!) He was changed into something less constricting and the spitting up stopped. Coincidence? Who knows. All I know, is that I wasn’t barfed on again, and that equals a good day.
Monday, December 27, 2010
New jammies
It was the Christmas of new jammies in our house. Both kids got at least 3 new pairs each. Lauren is obsessed with matching Jack (What! Who, me? I don’t know who would have put that idea into her head?) so I was sure to tell Santa Claus that they would both like a new pair of matching pajamas (that aren’t holiday centric.) So, here are a couple of pictures of the kids in some of their new Christmas jammies. Lauren sure does love herself some jammies, I think she’d stay in them all day if I let her.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
My new toy
A DSLR camera! I got a Canon EOS 1000D (Rebel XS) with a couple of lenses, a tripod, and a gadget bag. I didn’t even get to play with it until today, but I made up for that by messing around with the settings and shooting about 180 pictures in the span of two hours. I still don’t know what I’m doing but am trying to figure it out and stay away from the easy modes and use the creative modes. Here are a few of my first masterpieces SOOC.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Jack is 6 months
His official 6 month well baby visit isn’t until January, but he did have a trip to his dr. today for a facial rash. Fully clothed he was right at 20 lbs. I’m excited to get his official stats in a couple of weeks. As for the facial rash, it’s no big thing, just the equivalent of cradle cap like stuff on his face mixed with winter baby skin. Lauren had her flu shot today too while we were at the clinic. She took it like a trooper and didn’t even let out a peep. She actually had the choice of the shot or the flu mist and she picked the shot.
Here is a picture of my artistic work from a MOMS night out activity. I made a special plate for the kiddos. I wish the black hadn’t run so much but I guess that’s part of the charm.
Here’s one of a messy haired freshly napped bean making an ice slushy. The mickey mouse slush maker was a gift from her friend Lily.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
26 weeks
Jack was not at all interested in taking his weekly photo today. He was, however, very interested in the paper and just about destroyed it.
Here’s a chocolatey bean after going to town on her gingerbread house. She ate the entire mini house (gross!)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Flying ‘Icus
I just can’t get over how huge Jack looks when next to his 3 year old sister. Lauren wanted to hold him, but not for the camera (go figure.)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Snow Day
Today, was supposed to be Lauren’s pre-school Christmas program, but it was cancelled due to snow. So there is no Lauren sitting on the step picture for you. Instead, here is Lauren helping me make some rice krispies. She also got a manicure and a pedicure from mommy.
It was such a lazy day I put my hair in pigtail buns. Not the greatest look for me, but it was fun. Luckily, the weather cleared up enough for me to go out for a pedicure and some fun with my mommy friends.