Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Bean feeds The Sprout



Lauren had been asking to help feed Jack his baby food for a couple of days now, so I let her go to it.  She did a pretty decent job and I got a few cute pictures out of it.  She was really excited to do it and Jack is always excited to eat.


I finally tried out my zoom lens tonight and can’t believe how heavy and hard to handle it is.  I don’t see myself using it very often, but I guess it’s good to have if I ever decide to take some nature macro shots with my tripod.  I don’t think I would be able to hold it steady enough without it.  I had to brace myself on my center island to get this shot of the crystal in my hutch.

1 comment:

  1. This is so precious. Lauren what a good job feeding your brother!Looks like you were having so much fun.
