Jack was super excited to wear pink and coordinate with Lauren (just kidding, he actually doesn’t have an opinion and even if he did, it doesn’t count until he expresses it it words instead of grunts and squeals. Which is, unfortunately, his currently preferred method of communicating with me.)

Jack entertained us before the program began. As Amy put it, “we are those moms” and were there an hour early scoping out the best seats. Jack just popped a squat beside a random stranger in the middle of the aisle and made friends. He was running around getting high 5’s from anyone who would give him some love.

Getting started Amy D. (my friend and the mommy of the two cuties in the pic beside Lauren above) told me she was excited to see what faces Lauren would make this year (as she had quite the assortment of them to display last year.)

Just when I was thinking to myself, “Gee, she looks so angelic and sweet. What a classy little girl.”

Uhhhh, just kidding. LMAO!

Then, it’s back to this. She is the girl of a million faces.

Time for a kissy from your sissy, Jackson.