Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve


Tonight, we allowed the kids to open their stockings and their gifts from Aunts and Uncles (and great aunts and great uncles!)  Lauren was uncontrollably excited and loved everything.  When it was time for Jack to open his gifts, he was a bit confused at first.  It took a little coaxing and paper ripping to get Jack into the swing of things.  After he realized you were supposed to rip the paper he got into it.


Here is Lauren dancing around and celebrating.


By this time, Lauren had already demanded to put on her new silky pink night GOWN (she stresses that it’s a night GOWN and not pajamas, hahaha) and refused to take it off for the picture.  We needed one with 4 generations as Grandpa has a 4 generation photo frame that is in need of a photo.


Jackson and Great Grandpa Jack had a great time together.  It is so much fun to watch them interact.  After gifts were opened Jack threw a huge fit because he wanted to play with Lauren’s puzzle (and she obviously was unwilling to share.)  Aaaah, to be a child again.


  1. Lauren has more energy then any one 1 i know. She was so excited to open her gifts,only to be a child again.

  2. Jack and Grandpa Jack together priceless. Grandpa Jack loves Jack and Lauren so much,thats all he talks about!
