Monday, January 23, 2012

Shovelin’ Jack


Here is Jack digging in the sensory table at ECFE.  I’m probably the worst ECFE employee ever (or else  Jack is really suffering from 2nd child syndrome) as this is his first class since baby massage when he was itty bitty.  I just couldn’t find a class that worked with our crazy schedule, that was in a convenient location, and with a teacher I actually wanted to take a class from.  LOL, I’m a bit picky!  He’s having a blast and seems to have gotten the hang of it right away.  It’s a non-separating class, but I think we’ve got the separation issues under control now too. Yaaay for Jackson (and yaay for this Mommy who gets a  free morning now on Monday’s from 9-11:30!!)  Today, I spent that time at the gym and then shoveling our driveway.  I guess both Mommy and Jack enjoyed some shovelin’ today.

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