Here’s the group of us before the race. I’ve been running with Gretchen and Jamie since last summer (through MOMS club.) When I saw the awesome sweatshirt that this years participants would earn in this race I decided I was all-in. We started “training” in February (just following the schedule they posted on the website) and here we are today. This was my (and Jamie’s) first race and Gretchen’s 3rd (she did the 5k I was supposed to do last fall but was too sick to actually run in.)

My friend Jessica of JM Photography (and also our photographer when scheduling permits) also joined us. I’m proudly sporting my mark of the beast number. I’m thinking it wasn’t too bad after all, since it did have the lucky 7 on the end.

Here we are walking toward the start line. This was the world’s largest 7k (4.3ish miles) so even though the race began at 9am we didn’t cross the start line until 10-ish minutes later.

Here we are crossing the start line, we were all smiles at this point.

Here is my family cheering me on at the finish line. I’m not actually in the photo because I had crossed the finish line a bit before this. Unfortunately, I didn’t know they were going to be there so I wasn’t looking for them (I was running as fast as I could trying to make it to the end.) They also missed me cross the line as there was a big group of people all there at the same time.

Here we are with our sweet medals. We DID it!! We ran the whole thing and averaged an 11:06 pace. I can give you all of the dirty details from my GPS if you’re curious. I was really impressed with the graphics that Garmin gives you. It was cool to see my pace (and heartrate) skyrocket at the end. I had planned to all out run the last .25 mile but wasn’t paying attention to my GPS and didn’t start running until I saw the finish banner pop up.

Here are my official results: http://www.mtecresults.com/runner/show?race=668&rid=6667
I had said I planned to run it in 55 minutes when I registered. My personal goal was to finish it in under 50 minutes and I did it! At the end, once I had crossed the finish line I felt so good, I think I could have kept going. I guess we’re going to have to register for the Mankato 10k next. :)