Saturday, March 17, 2012

The zoo


Why Hello, giant tortoise.  After I cleaned up from the race we checked out and made a couple of Matilda Jane deliveries (from my trunk show.)  Then, we were off to the como zoo (Jack’s first zoo experience since being of the age to remember it.)


They were both enthralled with the Buffalo for some reason (really, of all the animals?)  I think Jack may have been excited to finally be set free from the stroller and that’s why he liked mr. buffalo so much.


Yes, we let the poor sprouty have his paci during the day.  Poor guy was all out of whack from taking a 10 minute nap on the ride there and then skipping his afternoon nap.


Both kids took all of the shoulder riding opportunities they could.


Happy St. Pat’s!

1 comment:

  1. How fun is that,mommy got to run and you got to go to the zoo!
