Friday, June 29, 2012

Chicago-day 2

We decided to take it easy today after Elliot’s challenges with the ride back home yesterday.  He stayed at home with Daddy and baby brother while Anna, Mary, Lauren and I went out for some shopping and Lunch.


After some shopping, we went to Portillo’s for lunch and enjoyed an authentic Chicago style hotdog.  I had mine with the works (including the sport peppers) and it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!  Lauren didn’t like hers at all (I think she was mainly concerned with the poppy seed bun.)



After lunch, we stopped at Costco (of which I had never been to one before.)  I was secretly hoping to pick up a couple of their brand of CRB tanks (lululemon knock offs) but I didn’t see any. :(


There was lots of playing to be done after dinner.


Then it was time for a game of “How many dirty naked children can you fit into a bathtub?”  The answer is 3 plus a squirmy baby.  It was so cute to watch Elliot hold Edison in the bathtub. 


Then, it was story time and bedtime for the kiddos.  What a great day!


  1. Looks like you had such a good time,so happy you and mommy took a trip.The hot dog looked great.

  2. If you ever want to go to Costco, we are members and there's one in Burnsville!
