Monday, November 19, 2012

A gorgeous November day


It was such a beautiful November day that the ‘icus and I had to get outside and enjoy it.  It was fantastic to feel the sunshine on our shoulders and be able to play at the park wearing only a sweatshirt (or a sherpa lined hoodie for Jack.)  We just picked up this outfit for him at my favorite little podunk clothing store in Worthington, MN. The company is called Mayoral and they make the cutest stuff.  We bought a pair of jeans there last year and they wore so well (and were crazy long, so he can still wear them.)



Then, tonight we did some bell ringing for the Salvation Army.  We do this every year and enjoy it immensely (minus the crazy behavior from the kids, but they are kids.)  It’s funny how they really help to bring in the donations.  Even just having Jack there too helped.  Kevin and Jack went to the bathroom and were gone for about 15 minutes.  When they came back, our donations tripled.  Now, I’m not the statistical genius of the family and since Kevin was gone he can’t give us some crazy percentage breakdown, but it was definitely a noticeable improvement in money donated when both kids were there versus just the 2 of us.  After the bell ringing, we rushed home so we could drop the kids off and get to Lauren’s first parent-teacher conference.  It was exciting and went well.  She’s not perfect (boy don’t we know it) but she’s pretty darn good, pretty darn good!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jack you look so cute in your new dud's and hat! I miss you so.

    Love GaGa
