I lived in Windom for my entire life and never participated in the turtle races. It’s hard to find a turtle. This year, I thought we’d find one for sure as I remembered to start looking a couple of weeks in advance (instead of a couple days like usual.) No luck! However, a kind friend offered to let us “borrow” one of their turtles (since they run the race in multiple heats.) It worked out perfectly (minus the craptacular weather of which we were ill-prepared for.)
It’s almost time….. Go turtle go!!!!
Jack was not as impressed with the turtle and dropped him. Poor abused little guy!
Being dropped may have had something to do with the speed in which he traveled. He was a slow turtle during his first two races, but during his 3rd and final race he was speedy gonzales and lost by just a nose.
You can see here it was quite the exciting race as Kevin is mid-cheer in this pic. But, alas, it was not meant to be. Maybe next year! It was about this time that we learned that the parade was cancelled for the evening and everything was washed out due to the rain. :( I guess we should have gone out last night, huh?
After being dropped he was trying to escape.LOL Cute pictures.