Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween


Here are both of the kiddos before their morning at school.  Jack made it all the way through the day today, but was not very pleased about it.


It was a nice day outside, so we had to enjoy the weather with some outdoor play.



It was the perfect night for trick-or-treating.  We were bundled up, but not needing a winter jacket or snow boots.  Lauren had a blast running around collecting candy and Jack just chilled in his stroller letting big sister collect the goodies.

Sunday, October 30, 2011



We carved the pumpkins tonight.  Lauren was interested for awhile and Jack was so disinterested it was ridiculous.  He really wanted absolutely nothing to do with the pumpkins.



I made the smiley face and Kevin did Dora.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Matchy Matchy


I was really excited to see these Stomper the Maverick pajama pants in Jack’s size at a consignment sale a couple of weeks ago.  Why?  Because Kevin already had a pair and I love things to match.  Kev secretly does too.  He’s actually asked me why he never gets to match Jack so I was happy to oblige.  Jack’s pants are extra big too, so they have at least a year of matchy fun ahead of them, LOL!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Early Halloween


Today, was a day that Lauren always looks forward to throughout the year.  IT was MOMS Club Trick-or-treating day.  Every year we go to a local assisted living facility and do some indoor ToT’ing before the big day.  This year, was even more fun as we had some social time before the candy rush.  There were art projects, games and treats as well as fun interactions with the residents.


There was one particular gentleman who was really quick about giving your child another cookie once they finished the one they were eating.  One minute Jack was about done with his cookie and the next second he had a fresh one in his hand.  I wondered, where did that come from, we didn’t move?  Then, I saw the gentleman wheeling around and giving the cookies to all the kiddos while us mama’s were not looking.  It was pretty humorous and luckily innocent, since the kids aren’t allergic to anything.

Monday, October 24, 2011

School again


Today, was Jack’s “first day of school.”  He is now 16 months old and was able to start going 1x/week at Lauren’s school.  It’s more of a Mom’s day out than school, but we were excited about it all the same.  Every Monday now, he’ll go from 9-11:30 just like big sister.  Unfortunately, he didn’t have such the good day today and I had to pick him up at 10:30.  I’m sure next week will be better.  It may have been a bit much to leave him after Kevin and I just spent our very first short weekend away from him (we had a wedding in Duluth.)  I’m sure it’ll be better next week.


On the bright side, look at this fantastic masterpiece he painted while at school.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Both Lauren and Jackson wore their new vest-o’s today (funny, I’ve just always called it a vest-o instead of a vest, I can’t even remember where I got it from.  Now, Lauren also calls it her vesto-o…oops!)  We also had lunch at Lauren’s pre-school today.  Neither of them were very interested in eating their lunch.  But, boy did they have a blast playing with all of the fun stuff in the gym afterward.  Good times.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lauren’s new barbie


Thanks Uncle Noel!!  Kevin and Noel picked out the smartest most conservative Barbie they could find for little Lauren Bean.  What did they end up with?  Computer career Barbie.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My cutie!


I just love this pic of Jack.  He’s so stylin’ in his new outfit and shoes.  It’s a very grown up look for my baby.


We made a little trip to the mall for some play time fun (and ran into a friend of mine and Lauren’s that we hadn’t seen in quite awhile, which was nice.)


Tonight, we hit up open play time at ECFE for some gym time and fun.  The kids both had a good time pretending they were bakers.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

School Picture time


I decided to do something crazy for Lauren’s school photos this year and did her hair in curls (not the little curls she has naturally, big ones.)  It was definitely a cute look and I hope her school pic turned out just as nicely as they did last year. 


After school, we had to enjoy the rainy weather.  Boy did we need that rain too.  Our grass was beginning to resemble straw.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Beauty


Today, we met some friends at a local park to enjoy the fall beauty.    We played and ran and jumped in the leaves (after they were raked into a pile.)  I somehow forgot to schedule fall family photos (well actually, the person I wanted to use is out of the country until December so that had something to do with it.)  Maybe one of these will land on our Christmas card?


It wasn’t all fun and games though.  Jack decided he was done in the leaves and he meant it.  Boy, were they wet and dirty afterward, but the pics are cute so all is well.
