Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick or treating

Today, I took the kids trick or treating with MOMS Club at a local assisted living facility.  Lauren had a ton of fun and Jack just wondered what the heck was going on.

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School Picture time

When did this little beanitude turn into such a big girl?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Orange Day

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Today, was orange day at pre-school.  Then, after school we had a picnic lunch with some of our school friends.  Lauren thought it was pretty cool to eat in the gym with Marleigh & Keana.  We also got her school pictures back today so I’ll have to scan one and share it soon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3 month pictures


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I finally got Jack’s 3 month pictures in.  Here are a couple.  I’m saving the family picture and the Bean & Sprout picture (super cute BTW!) for Christmas cards since we won’t be doing his 6 month/Christmas pics until mid-December.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday, what a day!



The kids clean up nicely, too bad Kevin didn’t.



Today, we went to a new park located in a subdivision just north of us. It was fun for Lauren to play with her grandparents but the equipment was made for ages 5+ so it wasn’t as much fun for Lauren as it was for Kevin and me.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

A visit from the IL’s

I love it when the in-laws come.  Kevin is always on his best behavior and is so helpful around the house.  The IL’s arrived today from Duluth and are staying until Sunday.  Lauren was super excited to see them.

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Lauren modeling her winter dressy coat (it was cold out this morning.)  Jack just being Jack.


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Lauren had a blast playing and reading stories.  Jack had fun splashing in the tub.  I overfilled the tub and we had a lake on the floor when he was finished...oops!


Jack is 4 months old

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Guess who is 4 months old?  Jackson McQuinn, that’s who!  Little Jack is such a good boy.  He’s a real snuggler unlike his sister (which Mommy thoroughly enjoys!)  He’s also a good sleeper at night.  For awhile there, he was going to sleep at about 7:30 pm and sleeping straight through  until 7:30 am (a-mazing!)  Now, he’s back to waking once a night to eat.  I don’t mind it so much, as once is much more manageable than twice.  But, don’t get me wrong.  I would definitely prefer to enjoy uninterrupted sleep instead.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

No school today

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It’s MEA and Lauren really missed having school today (actually I did, she didn’t mention it.) I took her picture on the step anyway.  It was a new Matilda Jane outfit and I felt it deserved a picture.  Jack, just looked so cute hanging out in his Bumbo, so he had to pose for a picture as well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A little shopping…

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Sprout was lucky to get out of the fashion show (actually he was sleeping or content and either one I won’t mess with!)  I had to pick up these adorable coordinating shirts at Gymboree this week, I just couldn’t resist (and had a 30% off coupon, LOL!)  We’re excited for winter/Christmastime!

Just a little beanitude


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday/17 weeks

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It was a little cold out this morning so I had Jack try out his new raccoon hat.  We did a little shopping this morning while Lauren was at pre-school.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just hangin’ around

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Today, we met our friends for some playtime at the mall.   After playing, we rode the carousel (where Lauren picked the sleigh for the first time ever) and had lunch.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


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Today, Kevin and Lauren made chocolate chip cookies.  I think perhaps Kevin was a bit self serving in his inspiration for the activity, but they both had fun and they’re delicious, so I guess everybody wins!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lauren-Pro photos


Today, we made the trek to Minneapolis for pictures.  My friend Jessica (JM Photography) was the wonderful photographer who put up with us today.  Lauren woke up in the crankiest of moods and didn’t really improve much as the day progressed.  I was super nervous that nothing would be usable since she was soooo uncooperative, but if anyone can get the shot, she can!  Thanks Jess, I can’t wait to see them all!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bye Bye Paci


Just a cute picture of beanitude playing outside.


Yes, the day has come.  Lauren has known for awhile now that once this last paci was destroyed (due to chewing on it) there would be no more replacements.  Yes, my 3 year old child still had a pacifier.  She only had it while in bed (napping or sleeping) so I didn’t see the huge need to take it away from her.  Especially considering the upheaval her little soul has been in since Jack arrived.  However, it finally took the beating (chewing) it could not recover from and we had to toss it so she wouldn’t choke on it.  When I showed her the holes she said, “Now I can throw it away and be a big girl, yaaaay!”  She even did the duty herself.  Now, to see how well she sleeps from now on…