Sunday, April 28, 2013

Back to the grind…


It’s Jamaican Jack modeling the latest in soccer gear. Goooooooooaaaaaaaaallll!DSCN2823

Glad they’re not all mine! Three other families + ours is represented here.


Phil and Kevin hard at work staking it down (you have to do that here, or else it will eventually meet the neighbors house.)

Let’s do it again….


                             2012 on the Destiny                                                                                    2013 on the Breeze

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Our Carnival Breeze Cruise

As told by my feet.  Sorry, I know it’s weird but it’s just something I do.  You’ve already seen all the cool photos anyway, they’re all on facebook.


  Hotel in Miami feet       Just got on board & need to check out this cool area feet        Adults only serenity feet


Sea day feet                                                                      Grand Turk feet


                                     Tubin’ in Jamaica feet                Relaxing after dinner on the balcony feetDSCN280920130427_07004720130427_070108

  Night on the balcony feet                                         Back in Miami feet=sad feet

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cruise ready


Lauren and I braved the storm (don’t even get me started it’s mid-April and storming) for a pedicure today.  I was fairly certain some child-labor laws were being broken but then realized the sweet little girl was the daughter of the owners, so I guess that’s kosher (yikes!)


My feet are pretty ugly, but the pedicure makes them a little cuter!

Saturday, April 13, 2013



I just wanted to show off the necklace I designed and made for Lauren.  It was easier than I thought to make but more difficult than I anticipated to design.  We are on our way to Windom to see The Sound of Music (directed by my High School musical director who came out of retirement for this show.)  TSoM was my very last show before leaving for college a year early, so it is near and dear to my heart!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I would cry, but….


I’m heading on vacation soon.  This weather is insanity!

Guido Jack


Little guido Jack looks like he’s ready for a night of fist pumping.


Some Lauren artwork(left) and homework (right)

“If I were a seed I would grow into a ros.”

“I woud like to plant a Brocle seed.”

Saturday, April 6, 2013

randoms from SF


No trip to Sioux Falls can be complete without a torturous trip to mini critters pet store to oogle the adorable puppies and wish you had one. Kevin loved this little guy and named him “Pooches McGee.”


I decided I would rather have one of these awesome swinging chairs (for under the deck) than a puppy.  It was super comfy and I could fold up and snuggle my whole body into in comfortably. We both left disappointed with neither. LOL!

Macklemore concert


#sharkfacegang in SF, SD!  Ok, we’re totally too old and crusty for this, but we can admit it (and had a blast nevertheless.)  Here we are pretending to be teenagers taking selfies in the hotel mirror while doing duckface and making the #sharkfacegang sign.  Oh, the irony! Macklemore and Ryan Lewis were performing in Sioux Falls (@Augustana College.)  We lucked out and bought tickets way back in December/early January before he hit it big time and they sold out promptly.  Perhaps we were the oldest people in attendance, perhaps we were not.  Either way, the night was full of fun and irony and we felt young-ish again.  Kevin also loved the opening act (Soul Crate) and brought them even more fame (?!) by using them and their lyrics in the 2013#DBIR cover challenge video.



I have some excellent video but it’s all distorted from the bass as my cell phone isn’t meant for that kind of venue and *everything* was prohibited, I’m lucky I was wearing pants with pockets to stuff my phone in.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Matilda Jane


Today, I spent the day in the cities helping my Matilda Jane trunk keeper (the fabulous Erin McCauley.)  We did not plan it, but ended up wearing matching outfits (Matilda Jane of course!)  It was a crazy busy day and was fun to see the behind the scenes stuff.  I was contemplating becoming a trunk keeper myself for awhile.