Friday, December 30, 2011

The Countdown


Last night I put two french braids into Laurens hair while it was wet and this is what we were rewarded with this morning.  It was quite nice to not have her yelling and screaming that it hurt when I was combing her hair too.


Today, MOMS club had a countdown to noon party for the kids.  They made noisemakers and we counted down at noon (since most children don’t stay up for the midnight festivities on NYE.)  The kids enjoyed it and it was an excuse for a playdate and pot luck lunch (not that we ever really need one.)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011



After a run for more batteries (because you can never have enough of every size, especially at Christmas time,) the kids were finally ready for experience their new elefun game.  I do think that Jack enjoyed it just as much as Lauren.  While it’s not my favorite (as it requires my help to get it going every time) it is a good time for the kids.

Monday, December 26, 2011

1st haircuts


I guess the time had to come eventually. I’m still not pleased about it but apparently Kevin was just too offended when Jack was referred to as a girl by complete strangers and other people that are seriously out of touch (like an 80 year old nun.) Ok fine, I guess it was time, it was getting to be a bit unruly. Don’t worry, we kept some of his hair (ok a lot actually.) While I preferred his longer curly look, he is still adorable with shorter curly hair (that is still a bit unruly.)


before & after


Lauren bean was super excited for her first hair cut (Yep, for real. 1st haircut/trim EVER!) I can’t believe how nicely her hair has grown in. We didn’t get a ton cut off of hers, maybe about 2 inches total. I was hoping her curls would bounce back with a reduction in the weight, but no dice.


After the haircuts and treats it was time for a carousel ride. Jack is now at that tender age where he absolutely loves to ride the merry-g0-round. Unfortunately, he loves it sooooo much that he’s absolutely heartbroken when the trip in circles eventually comes to an end. He screams and wails bloody murder. I remember Lauren at this stage too, it was the same story with her.


Here is a pic of my latest piece of artwork. I’ve been meaning to make this for about a year now and just finally got around to it. The paper and frame has been sitting in my office for at least 11.5 months. I’m very pleased with how it turned out and coordinates with our family room. Honestly, I would love to move the family room furniture upstairs to our living room but our house isn’t big enough for it.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas


Oh, the Christmas joy.  Lauren was quite excited to leave out some milk and cookies for Santa Claus last night.  She also asked if we could give the reindeer some carrots, so they could have a treat as well.  Then, it was time for bed.  Sleep did not come easily for Lauren.  She was very excited for today and for awhile I was concerned she would never fall asleep.  Luckily, she finally did and when both kids woke up they were greeted with a giant gift from Santa.  Apparently a big box is perfect for dancing on, so that is what they did.



After breakfast it was time for the great gift opening.  It takes a very long time with two small kids.  So long in fact that we had to take a break for a nap (ok, not a nap, but a snack.)


Then, it was time to enjoy the spoils.


The present of the year was a game called hot potato.  You just squeeze it and it sings a song (which speeds up and eventually stops.)  We all had so much fun playing this game. Way more fun that people our age should have playing a children’s game.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve


Tonight, we allowed the kids to open their stockings and their gifts from Aunts and Uncles (and great aunts and great uncles!)  Lauren was uncontrollably excited and loved everything.  When it was time for Jack to open his gifts, he was a bit confused at first.  It took a little coaxing and paper ripping to get Jack into the swing of things.  After he realized you were supposed to rip the paper he got into it.


Here is Lauren dancing around and celebrating.


By this time, Lauren had already demanded to put on her new silky pink night GOWN (she stresses that it’s a night GOWN and not pajamas, hahaha) and refused to take it off for the picture.  We needed one with 4 generations as Grandpa has a 4 generation photo frame that is in need of a photo.


Jackson and Great Grandpa Jack had a great time together.  It is so much fun to watch them interact.  After gifts were opened Jack threw a huge fit because he wanted to play with Lauren’s puzzle (and she obviously was unwilling to share.)  Aaaah, to be a child again.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Monkey mama


Poor abused monk looks a wee bit uncomfortable in his moby wrap.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cookies with Mrs. Claus

Here is how I imagine the inner voice in my children’s heads went during this exciting adventure.

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“Yum, I’m gonna have a cookie” “Noooo, this cookie has frosting on it, I don’t want frosting.” “Fine I’ll try it.”


“Ok this is alright, I suppose.” “Oh no my cookie is almost gone.”

*PROCEED to throw a raging fit and make Mrs. Claus feel so bad for me and my serious food deprivation and obvious starvation that she gets me another cookie*

“Yeah, this cookie doesn’t have frosting, finally they get it right. You rock Mrs. Claus, thanks!”


“Mmmmmm, cookie!”

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy fun playtime


6 children ran amok in my house today and only 1/3 of them belonged to me. I had my friends Amy2 over. (That’s a joke because they’re both named Amy incase you haven’t figured it out.)  They brought their children, snacks and crafty supplies and we made some more foot/hand print art (piggiesandpaws.)  The kids had a good time and ended the morning with a little tv (although it was never intended to come on, I think Jack turned it on and then there was silence and they all sat and watched it.)  This was the one pic I got of the fun.


Here is a sweet self pic of me modeling my new Matilda Jane ruffle pants.  I guess I’m trying to be young and hip like my daughter now.  They sure are fun to wear.  I imagine they’ll be a lot like my earmuffs and earn a lot of unwanted attention.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The annual Christmas Program


Jack was super excited to wear pink and coordinate with Lauren (just kidding, he actually doesn’t have an opinion and even if he did, it doesn’t count until he expresses it it words instead of grunts and squeals.  Which is, unfortunately,  his currently preferred method of communicating with me.)


Jack entertained us before the program began.  As Amy put it, “we are those moms” and were there an hour early scoping out the best seats.  Jack just popped a squat beside a random stranger in the middle of the aisle and made friends.  He was running around getting high 5’s from anyone who would give him some love.


Getting started Amy D. (my friend and the mommy of the two cuties in the pic beside Lauren above) told me she was excited to see what faces Lauren would make this year (as she had quite the assortment of them to display last year.)


Just when I was thinking to myself, “Gee, she looks so angelic and sweet.  What a classy little girl.”







Uhhhh, just kidding. LMAO!


Then, it’s back to this.  She is the girl of a million faces.



Time for a kissy from your sissy, Jackson.