Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas


Oh, the Christmas joy.  Lauren was quite excited to leave out some milk and cookies for Santa Claus last night.  She also asked if we could give the reindeer some carrots, so they could have a treat as well.  Then, it was time for bed.  Sleep did not come easily for Lauren.  She was very excited for today and for awhile I was concerned she would never fall asleep.  Luckily, she finally did and when both kids woke up they were greeted with a giant gift from Santa.  Apparently a big box is perfect for dancing on, so that is what they did.



After breakfast it was time for the great gift opening.  It takes a very long time with two small kids.  So long in fact that we had to take a break for a nap (ok, not a nap, but a snack.)


Then, it was time to enjoy the spoils.


The present of the year was a game called hot potato.  You just squeeze it and it sings a song (which speeds up and eventually stops.)  We all had so much fun playing this game. Way more fun that people our age should have playing a children’s game.

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