Saturday, October 9, 2010

The ‘icus

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What’s in a nickname?  The poor children in our family don’t just have one nickname they have about 75 and they’re quite fluid.  It seems like everyday it’s a new name or a slightly different variation.  I can’t even begin to list them all.  ‘Icus stems from Sprouticus which came from Sprout, his original in-utero nickname.  So, this week he’s been “The ‘Icus.”  Anywho, on with the show….

Tonight, we had box seats for the MSU homecoming hockey game (and home opening series vs. someone that doesn’t matter as they were not WCHA opponents.)  We had originally planned to take both kids to the game, but changed our minds (since it’s so loud there and Lauren is so sensitive to noise.)  Lauren had way more fun with her babysitter than she would have had at the game anyway.

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Sprouty (my nickname of choice for him) had a blast and was a great sport.  He smiled and cheered and was only startled twice by a loud noise.

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Here’s a family picture and one of his first Maverick goal (I didn’t stand up and jump and sing like I would typically do if I weren’t holding a baby.) 


The ‘Icus says, “Goodnight!”

1 comment:

  1. HEY!!! They played SLU! My little bro played hockey for them!!!!!
