Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bath for 2?

I had, what I like to think of as a brilliant idea, while visiting my parents with both kids (something we haven’t done since Jack was about 2 months old.)  My thoughts, “Wouldn’t it be super cute to get a pic of both kids in the sink taking a bath?” (Sidenote, Lauren has always loved to take a bath in the sink at Gaga’s.)  So, we decided to give it a go.  Me, armed with my camera and Kev and my mom with a kid each, embarked on this wet wet journey together. 

It started out well enough.


But, I may have filled his side of the sink with a *bit* too much water.  Did I forget to mention, Jack is a splasher?  Ooops!



Oh, the carnage water!  I’m not even showing the worst of it.  Seriously, the toaster may never work again.  Sorry ‘bout that!


Lauren had to close her eyes and this is my mom’s arm coming in to try to mop up the water.  Shortly after this the pictures had to stop so we could get the kids washed up and out.  It was fun while it lasted.


  1. omg these pictures don't even begin to show the flood that was my kitchen. It was so funny!

  2. How comical....good way to get the sinks and floor washed!! (just kidding)- Fun for all no doubt. Hugs for them both.!!
    Grandma Georgie
