Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sick sprouty


Well, it didn’t take Jackson quite as many years as Lauren to end up in the E.R.  Unfortunately, upon returning from our spring break vacation up north we had to deal with a very sick Jack.  He had been sick for two days at Gaga’s house and when he got home we thought he was better.  We were wrong.  He just couldn’t keep ANYTHING down and was miserable.  So in we went to see Dr. Smentek (who he had just seen on Thursday as he was coughing really badly and I wanted to make sure nothing was wrong before leaving him for the weekend.)  Turns out he had lost 5+ lbs over the long weekend and she said he absolutely had to go to the ER and have fluids administered.  :( So, off we went.  The Dr. in the ER ended up trying zofran to get his vomiting under control first before going the IV route and luckily that worked.  We spent a few hours slowly giving him fluids again and then he finally crashed out under the warm blanket right before we got the go ahead to head home. Dr. Smentek even came over and checked on him during her lunch break (she’s just so wonderful, I can’t recommend her enough!)


1 comment:

  1. My poor baby was so sick,I felt so bad for you. It was a rough few days.
    Love you tons Jack :)
