Monday, August 25, 2014

Jack & Lauren

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Somewhere, and I’m not sure where, Jack and Lauren got the bright idea that they should sleep together one night.  (Like they don’t do that every time we go to a hotel?)  Anyhow, I told them they could sometime this summer and with the school year upon us, finally had to make good on that ill thought out promise.  Here they are at the beginning of the night.

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Here they are a couple of hours later (in the typical Jack sleeping position of, THE ENTIRE BED WIDTH WISE!)  What is is about children that make them so tiny, yet the biggest bed hogs ever?  I remember last year on vacation, it was the night before our cruise embarked from Galveston and I got sooo very little sleep.  I was physically assaulted more times than I can count by Lauren flailing around.  Actual tiny beanitude fists punching me, multiple times.  I finally gave up (and woke up the hubs to tell him it was his damn turn to be abused, and we were trading beds.)

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