Sunday, May 27, 2012

Carnival time


The kids (and adults) each enjoyed what seemed like about a million rides. It was a hot hot day, but we still had a good time.


I found this side-eye photo to be particularly hilarious.  I imagine Jack thinking something snarky and sarcastic.


Lauren was able to ride the bumper cars for the first time ever (with me driving of course.)  She thought it was the best thing ever!



Then, it was time to fold myself in half so Jack could go on the alligator coaster.  This little ride looks like a good time, but let me tell you, IT IS NOT!  First, I had to cram myself into the small car (because Lauren got the big one in the front.)  Then, the ride began.  What looks like a gentle loop is actually the jerkiest back breaking ride I think I’ve ever been on.  It’s no surprise that I needed a trip to the chiropractor afterward.  You also have to hold on for dear life because you could be thrown from the thing at a moments notice.  Yikes!  I might look like I was having fun, but I was actually fearful for our lives.



  1. How fun to see the Carnival photo's. When I grew up on Park Point they had those Bumper Cars each summer at the end of the Point in the park.....I loved the rides but not the Roller Coaster....made me sick. Looks like you folks had a ball.....cute view of Jack, fun to read his mind???? Anxious for you folks to come to Duluth, miss you all.......

  2. Forgot to add,
