Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cutest thing ever!


It was a crazy day for us today.  Lauren had ice skating lessons this morning.  Then, we came directly home to change clothes and head to a birthday party for Lauren’s friend Brooke (from her kindergarten class and soccer team.)  They had the party at a local dance studio and it was so well done and adorable.  While Lauren was at the party, I ran around town quickly buying up everything I could find that may possibly match a shower curtain that I picked up on a whim. (Nothing like a last minute idea to redecorate the bathroom with a very strict time limit to finish it.)  After the shopping frenzy I picked Lauren up from the party a few minutes early and we high tailed it to Windom for my cousin’s baby shower.  She’s having twin boys (!!)  This was Lauren’s first baby shower and I was a little bummed out that there weren’t the traditional silly shower games (but can’t fault the mama-to-be as I didn’t want them at my baby shower either) that I told Lauren there could possible be.  Here is a cute photo of Lauren holding a different cousin’s little sweetie, Liberty.  Liberty is 9 months old and very attached to her mama, so she didn’t appreciate the stranger holding her.  After the shower we visited with Gaga and Papa and then made the drive back home.

1 comment:

  1. I so love this picture, Lauren wanted to hold her so bad. They are so cute together.
