Sunday, August 25, 2013

Duluth Bubble Festival


Today, we met our friends at The Duluth Children’s museum for their annual bubble festival.  We’re in the middle of a really horrible hot spell so it was less than pleasant outside.  Luckily, we were able to mix the indoor and outdoor activities together at the bubble fest for maximum comfort.  Oh, and a trip to the McDonalds play area afterward was also helpful.  Lauren and Hannah loved being inside of the bubble.


Lauren also rocked at the climbing wall.  She went up twice and made it pretty far.  We were all pretty impressed with her skill and perseverance.


  1. Way to go Lauren!

  2. Wow love the human bubble ! We are in Pequot Lakes, MN until around the 14th of October. I am homeschooling Natalie and then when we move to Washington she will go into Kindergarten.
