Monday, December 26, 2011

1st haircuts


I guess the time had to come eventually. I’m still not pleased about it but apparently Kevin was just too offended when Jack was referred to as a girl by complete strangers and other people that are seriously out of touch (like an 80 year old nun.) Ok fine, I guess it was time, it was getting to be a bit unruly. Don’t worry, we kept some of his hair (ok a lot actually.) While I preferred his longer curly look, he is still adorable with shorter curly hair (that is still a bit unruly.)


before & after


Lauren bean was super excited for her first hair cut (Yep, for real. 1st haircut/trim EVER!) I can’t believe how nicely her hair has grown in. We didn’t get a ton cut off of hers, maybe about 2 inches total. I was hoping her curls would bounce back with a reduction in the weight, but no dice.


After the haircuts and treats it was time for a carousel ride. Jack is now at that tender age where he absolutely loves to ride the merry-g0-round. Unfortunately, he loves it sooooo much that he’s absolutely heartbroken when the trip in circles eventually comes to an end. He screams and wails bloody murder. I remember Lauren at this stage too, it was the same story with her.


Here is a pic of my latest piece of artwork. I’ve been meaning to make this for about a year now and just finally got around to it. The paper and frame has been sitting in my office for at least 11.5 months. I’m very pleased with how it turned out and coordinates with our family room. Honestly, I would love to move the family room furniture upstairs to our living room but our house isn’t big enough for it.


  1. Wow is that Lauren first hair cut for real ? or has she had trims in the past....jack looks soo darn cute and way to go using the sucker, it worked like a Gem for us !!

  2. It was the very first time a scissors had touched Lauren's hair, ever! Crazy, huh?
