Sunday, February 27, 2011



sucks!  At least for this poor little guy.  He’s having an especially rough go of it getting his first two teeth at the exact same time.  Today was the day of 3 ruined outfits (via diaper explosions.)  Since Lauren was napping down below and the bathtub is loud, Jack got his first sink bath today.  He didn’t seem to mind much.  He was very excited to chew on the spoon while I dumped warm water on him and scrubbed his nether-regions.


Here’s a little beanitude love too.

1 comment:

  1. oooh poor little least the mess didn't get on you..I was planning on giving the kiddos a bath tonight and upon getting Collin undressed I discovered a surprise in the diaper...yeah..and it leaked onto Mom's lap when I was holding him. Uhh the joys of Mommy-hood. We will miss these moments believe it or not !
