Saturday, April 9, 2011

A day trip


Lauren wanted to ride to the park, so I busted out the buggypod for Jack to ride in.  Lauren is officially too big for it (weight wise, according to the technical specifications.)  Jack didn’t seem to mind it, so all was well.  Of course, it started to sprinkle as soon as walked out the door of my parent’s house.  Luckily, my kids are not that sweet, so we managed all right.  Jack loved his very first swing ride.  So, now it’s pretty much set in stone that we’re going to have to get some kinds of swing set/play land extravaganza soon, as both of my kiddos love to swing.



After a trip to the park, we ventured out to DQ for a cool treat.  Jack also enjoyed his first ice cream (well at least that I know of.)  He would have eaten my mom’s entire cone if she had let him.


  1. Looks like all having fun swinging and enjoying some DQ. Ummmmm Good! Lots of cute photo's. Hugs and love to all...
    G. Georgie

  2. Fun times at the park! Jack loved his first ice cream,should have gotten him a baby cone.
