Thursday, May 19, 2011




Here is Lauren’s before school picture.  She had a field trip to Sibley Park today.  They got to ride the bus there and everything.  She was extremely excited about her trip to “animal park” and has been talking about it nonstop all week long. 

I tried to make it to the park to watch her play with her friends, but Jack had a check-up with his Ophthalmologist this morning so, unfortunately, by the time I got there they had just started to load up the bus for their return to school. :(  Luckily, Jack’s check-up was super and the Nevis (mole) on his pupil has not grown or changed and his vision is as it should be for a little one of his age.  When the Dr. said she was going to check Jack’s prescription I about had an accident in my pants.  I guess I never considered that this could impair his vision/require him to need glasses.  I’m so glad that all is well in that department.  Both Kevin and I were well into our 20’s before needing glasses (and I still don’t *need* them, they’re just helpful for distances) so I’m hoping the kiddos will luck out in the department as well.  I can’t imaging Jack keeping glasses on his face when he barely lets us keep ours on our faces.



Jack had to have his eyes dilated for the first time today.  He wasn’t at all bothered by the drops or in the way if affected his vision.  They gave me a pair of those disposable shades to try to put on him.  Boy was that a joke.  I tried to snap a pic of them on him, but it was FAIL!  I also had to turn off the flash on my P&S to take these as I didn’t want to hurt his eyes so sorry for the blurry picture, I just wanted a pic of his huge pupils.  I also had to let him have his paci once we were called back into the room as it was waaaay past his naptime and he was starting to let me know he didn’t appreciate it.  Overall, I’m glad everything is ok with his eyes and now we don’t need to go back for a year.

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