Sunday, January 22, 2012

My poor baby


I can write about this now, as things are ok.  But when this was happening, I was a complete wreck.  Like I wrote on Thursday, after  Jack woke up from his nap he wouldn’t walk for about 20-30 minutes and then was ok and went about his normal business.  This morning, he was business as usual too.  But, after nap time, it was the same story again only worse.  He was actually limping if he would take a step (although he really really didn’t want to take the step.  He would only do it if we held his hands up and helped to support his weight.)  Needless to say we immediately took him in to see a dr.  The x-rays didn’t show anything so we were sent home without an answer.  Naturally, I spent the night freaking out and imagining what could be wrong with him (and of course I always go straight to the worst possible outcome.)  After a tear-filled night with little sleep Jack awoke in the morning and then proceeded to jump up and down in his crib.  All was well (and has been since then.)  Of course, we will be following up with his regular doctor, but all is well for now.  I think the Thompson family needs to have a month of healthy bodies now to make up for all the sickness we’ve had thus far in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad things are improving for all of you. Was very concerned about Jack and all of you. Now, enough sickness and hope all are getting better.

    Love and hugs,
    Grandma Georgie
